The fourth edition of the World Forum on Theology and Liberation (WFTL) had halted on February 5 to 11, in Dakar, Senegal, during the 10th World Social Forum. In this edition, the WFTL had tacked part among initiatives of groups and social movements that had present from different world regions that shape out the WSF of a plural and collective process.
The WFTL has be present in Dakar with a group of 110 men and women theologians of different regions of the world, in order to contribute to this process based on the dialogue between religious traditions and social practices. The Locus Theologicus of Life, people's day-by-day life, as prior and "canon" in order to well interpretation of histories, religious traditions, Scriptures, etc, has been the higher point of the forum.
Br. Luiz Carlos Susin OFMCap is the Executive secretary of the Forum.
Find more information at the official web site of the Forum.
Br. Varghese Manimala OFMCap, Director, Henry Martyn Institute (HMI)in Hyderabad, India, attended the Forum. Read his reflection here.
Find a report from the Comboni missionaries here.