I received this letter from the Provincial of the Capuchin Province of New York and New England, USA. The province, together with brothers from India, is serving in Japan. I publish it here, because it informs you about our brothers there. Until now they are save and have not been harmed by the earthquake and by the Tsunami. If you want to help or you know people who want to do so, our brothers will be a good address.
El mismo articulo en Español se encuentra aqui.
New York, March, 2011
Dear Friends,
We are present in 11 locations in Japan, bringing spiritual and physical assistance to those who have been displaced and suffering as a result of last week’s devastation.
The Friars of the Province of St. Mary have been in Japan since 1947. Never has the need for their ministry been greater. The eighteen men serving throughout the country were not in the immediate area of the destruction and are safe and sound. They are mobilizing to help in whatever way they can. Some are already en route to parishes closer to the worst-hit areas, despite severe infrastructure barriers.
We ask your assistance in this critical time of need. First of all, please join us in praying for the victims. Secondly, please consider making a donation. Your gift will go directly to our Capuchin Franciscan missionaries in Japan to help them immediately with the efforts to serve the growing number of victims who are grieving and traumatized. Help us help them now!
Fr. John Gallagher, OFM Cap.
Provincial Minister