The first meeting of the new appointed Mission Commission takes place from 6th to 8th of July 2010 at Frascati. Nine are the members, appointed in January 2010 by the Minister General in order “to engage in profound reflection on the missionary dimension of the Order today, and to draft or propose concrete steps that need to be taken”:
Br. Enzo Cannozi, Genova, Italy,
Br. Piotr Komorniczak, Promoter of Solidarity,
Br. Agapit Mroso, Definitor general,
Br. Paulus Nag, St. Fidelis, India,
Br. Isidor Peterhans, Rector of the Int. College,
Br. Marek Przeczewski, Warsaw, Poland,
Br. Helmut Rakowski, Segretary general for missionary animation,
Br. Luiz Carlos Susin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
Br. Larry Webber, Detroit, USA.
The first meeting will serve as an introduction to the present situation of our mission activities including Economic Solidarity and the Brussels formation program for missionaries. The friars will reflect deeply on our missionary dimension, based on the Circular letter n.5 “Mission at the heart of the Order” and on a paper prepared by the General Segretary for Missionary Animation “Reclaiming our Mission – Renewing the missionary activities (Missio ad gentes) of the Order.”